Understanding Roof Inspections & Insurance Claims in Mid-Missouri
The first step to tackling any roofing problem is always an inspection. An inspection is not only necessary to inform homeowners about what kind of repairs their roof needs, but it is a necessary step in the insurance claims process as well.
If a homeowner believes they have storm-related damage which includes wind, hail, lightning, and tree damage, we always recommend giving us a call. Our inspections are free, and we have years of experience in insurance claims.
Setting your Roof Inspection Appointment
When you call, we will make an appointment with a set date and time while on that phone call.
A standard roof inspection usually takes 20 minutes however we typically schedule one-hour appointments to ensure our Representative has time to answer any of your questions. We set exact times for our appointments so that our customers do not have to wait around all day for an 8:00 am to 5:00 pm appointment window, like many other companies schedule.
While scheduling this appointment we will ask some preliminary questions about the home, like if it is a one- or two-story home, is the roof steep, and what kind of damage you suspect. These questions will help our inspectors to come to the appointment prepared with the correct equipment.
What will Happen at your Missouri Roof Inspection?
When we arrive, we will introduce ourselves, talk about any concerns or problem areas you are aware of, then we set up our ladders and get on the roof. If the roof is too steep to walk, we must prioritize safety for our employee and we will use other tools or methods to inspect the roof.
If we are looking for wind damage, we will look for shingles that have lifted and any exposed nails or matting. If we are looking for hail damage, we will look for divots where asphalt granules have worn away and revealed the fiberglass matting and if that matting is cracked. These are important signs for our inspectors to look for because those damages can lead to leaks in the roof.
Inspections & Insurance Claims
Our inspectors know what roofing insurance companies look for when they are deciding whether to cover roof repairs, so we look for the same things. We are looking for a particular number of hail marks (typically 10) or lifted shingles per slope of your roof, which is the type of inspection insurance adjusters perform in order to determine if there is coverage. We will circle these damages in chalk so that they can be pointed out and referenced from the ground level.
Since we look for the same thing insurance adjustors do, we can help homeowners determine if they should submit a claim. We will always give you our honest assessment. We work with adjustors every day and we understand what they look for, if we feel there isn’t enough damage to submit a claim, we will tell you even if it means we don’t get your business.
After an Inspection
Following your initial inspection, we are available to answer any questions about what we found and how (if applicable) your insurance claim can relate to roofing repairs. Should your inspection warrant filing an insurance claim, our representative can be present at your adjustor meeting and when the insurance company performs their roof inspection. We will make sure to share with the adjuster the damage we found during our inspection. While we can’t legally represent homeowners, we can provide adjustors with our professional opinion.
If the adjustor approves the claim, they will create a statement of loss, this may be on the spot or in the following days. Once the statement of loss is received by the homeowner we will request that it be forwarded to our representative who will review it for accuracy. If any damage we found during our inspection is not included, we will provide that to the claims adjuster along with photo proof of the damage. We will then send back our own estimate of what it will cost to do the roof repair or replacement. Typically, any extra costs we estimate are covered, but every case is different.
When our estimate is approved and we have completed the roof work, we will send the homeowner the final invoice. This invoice will let the insurance company know that the work has been done and they will release the funds to the homeowner who can then pay CoMo Premium Exteriors for their services.
Do You Suspect Damages to your Missouri Roof?
If you suspect any damages to your roof, make sure to give us a call at Como Premium Exteriors. Our initial inspections are always free, and we will stick with you through the entire process of your roof repair, from inspection and insurance claims to completion.
About The Author
Elias Abadi
Elias, the founder of CoMo Premium Exteriors, has steered the company to become a leading exterior renovation firm in Mid-Missouri, emphasizing quality and customer-centric values. A Columbia resident since age 10, he is an ardent Mizzou athletics supporter. Outside of work, Elias enjoys family time, attending his three sons’ sports activities, and engaging in outdoor pursuits like hiking, fishing, gardening, and hunting.